BIG Announcement…

Hey y’all it’s been years that I’ve posted something on my blog. My Curly Mind is on Youtube now …yeaaah! You will see videos about hair, lifestyle, personal stories and more on my channel. The only thing is that my videos will be in Dutch. Because it’s easier for me haha. But you can still check it out! I will upload a new video every sunday! I would love to see you there!

In this video I share my wash day routine! Enjoy!

DIY | How To Achieve a Curly Set w/ No Heat

This is a very easy and handy DIY if you don’t have rollers or flexy rods. I saw this DIY at Youtuber Nalia1908. The only tool you need for this style is aluminium foil. Make sure you use some (styling)products (or water, oil, sheabutter) for your hair before you put the foil in. I did it with twists.

What to do?

stap 1... stap 2...stap 3... stap 4... stap 5... stap 6...






*For more definition, make sure you put the foil a set time. Cause I did it way too short in my hair. (lol)

HAIRTALK | I considered a second big chop!

Hi guys,

It’s already been 2 and a half years since I got back natural. Yeaah! I’m still happy to be natural, but there were times where I considered a second big chop and start all over again.

My hair wasn’t feeling it, I wasn’t feeling it and I didn’t use the right products for my hair! And all of that caused breakage on the sides.Very-frustrated-and-angry-woman-pulling-her-natural-hair-300x186

Continue reading “HAIRTALK | I considered a second big chop!”

The High Bun

This style is so cute! I wanted to do something different with my hair so I tried this style for the first time. It’s called: The TIGHT Bun! In order to do this style you actually need to have stretched hair. My hair wasn’t stretched but I wanted to do it anyway. So I separated and combed my hair with a wide tooth comb by starting with the ends. My hair wasn’t wet and I did not use any products. Yes I know a NO GO and I broke my own natural hair rules.

But my hair was ready…

The results: it was a tight little bun.

photo high bunhigh bun











It looks nice, right? I knew that this was not good for my edges, because it was too tight, but I wanted to look cute. The next day my hair was still in the same position so I did the high bun again and did this style for four days. Maybe not such a good idea…Because the bun was too tight, the skin of my head felt stressed and a cyst that I had on my head for 15 years started to feel sensitive. OMG what did I do to myself and my hair?!? I will not do this style again untill my hair is much much longer.

Bye bye tight high bun..I will try you next year again!

Have you experienced something like this??

Natural Hair | The in-between (awkward) stage

When your hair is getting longer but still to short for some hairstyles…you are in the awkward stage ladies. I noticed when I saw a picture from the back of my hair where the middle and the back lays in a weird position and the front of my hair is doing his own thing. From the front it is looking pretty nice. My boyfriend is telling me to cut it into shape..haha. No I can’t and don’t want to do that cause I’m in the awkward stage and I need to get through this! There were a few moments where I thought I’d be doing the second big chop or braid my hair. But it’s growing and part of the journey, just accept it! Here are some pictures of my hair in that awkward length. Look what I’m watching…haha it’s Jess from Magohanycurls.

foto(1)awkward stage